Lecture: "In search of Ludwig Leichhardt" (10. Jan 2013)
Lothar Gosche (member of the Leichhardt - association Trebatsch e.V.) takes you in his presentation on the journey into the vast outback of Australia and goes with you on the search for Ludwig Leichhardt. Since 1990 the Leichhardt - association Trebatsch e.V. operates the museum in Trebatsch. The association has made a major contribution in preserving the heritage of the Australia scientist.
Beginning: 7:00 pm at the museum
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(Bild 3/3)Press conference for the Leichhardt year 2013 (28. Jan 2013)
During the well-attended press conference for the "Leichhardt-year," the main highlights of the Leichhardt-year were presented to the 30 journalists.
Further information regarding the press conference can be read on this website at "Archives" in the two articles from 29.01.2013.
Lecture: "The study tour and excursion by Ludwig Leichhardt hrough southern England" (30. Jan 2013)
Beginning 6:00 pm
with Rolf Striegler in the L.-Leichhardt-House (IBZ), Sielower Straße 11, 03044 Cottbus
Report about Cottbus’ documents on Ludwig Leichhardt from the time 1828 - 1848 (27. Feb 2013)
Beginning 6:00 pm
with Werner Pfeil, L.-Leichhardt House (IBZ), Sielower Straße 11, 03044 Cottbus
Lecture: "The family of Ludwig Leichhardt and the preservation of his family heritage for generations" (27. Mrz 2013)
Beginning 6:00 pm
with Ludwig Leichhardt, Berlin, in the L.-Leichhardt House (IBZ), Sielower Straße 11, 03044 Cottbus
Beeskow is biking (21. Apr 2013)
This is with about 250 participants the largest cycling event for amateur athletes at the Schwielochsee.
Ludwig Leichhardt welcomes the participants in Zaue.
Lecture: "Report on the study tour of Ludwig Leichhardt through Switzerland" (24. Apr 2013)
Beginning 6:00 pm
with Rolf Striegler in the L.-Leichhardt-House (IBZ), Sielower Str. 11, 03044 Cottbus
Lecture: "Leichhardt’s unaccomplished love – the story of Emmeline Macarthur" (02. Mai 2013)
Beginning 7:00 pm, with André Parade, in the Museum in Trebatsch
Inauguration of the Leichhardt-Trail + opening of the exhibition in the castle of Branitz (04. Mai 2013)
Trail from Trebatsch over Zaue and Goyatz to Cottbus
The trail includes all stations of Leichardt’s life in our region, total distance about 50 km
Guided walking tour (cycling tour) from Trebatsch over Zaue and Goyatz to Cottbus. In the afternoon opening of the exhibition in the castle of Branitz in Cottbus.
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Straupitz Friday (14. Jun 2013)
Play of the sparrow’s choir of the primary school Straupitz Der „Straupitzer Freitag" ist eine Series of events with focus on:
Cabaret / transfer of knowledge / musical performances
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(Bild 3/3)Aquamediale "Wide country" (08. Jun 2013)
The aquamediale has long been part of the cultural summer in Brandenburg. The exhibition is visited by over 100,000 people.
The aquamediale ® 2013 is entitled "Wide country" and will be expanded with Australian artists on the neighborhood communities and engages artistically on the water extreme (water scarcity / flood) of the Australian continent.
Lecture "Ludwig Leichhardt and Trebatsch" (04. Jul 2013)
In his lecture, Hans-Joachim Bochwitz (Member of the "Leichhardt association Trebatsch e.V.") will point out the native place of Leichhardt and his presence there.
Beginning 7:00 pm, in the museum in Trebatsch
Water sports event (26. Jul 2013)
26.07. - 25.08.2013 Schwielochsee
After 120 years a Kaffen-punt is again visiting the Schwielochsee.
As part of the water sports week various events will take place on the water, among other Australian athletes.
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(Bild 3/3)Arrival Kaffen-punt (26. Jul 2013)
The Kaffen-punt is a historic river boat from special design. This type of ship was most widely found on the waters around the Schwielochsee during the time of Leichhardt.
Hieronymus Matthias Leichhardt (1778-1840) was peat inspector and had nine Kaffen-punts to transport the peat. The last Kaffen-punt drove 1890.
- 25.7. Stop at the German technical museum in Berlin
- 26.07. 10:00 am Arrival Beeskow, guided walking city tour
- 26.07. 3:00 pm Arrival Goyatz harbour terrace
- 26.07. up from 7:00 pm Zaue, Kaffen-punt part
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Dragon boat race (27. Jul 2013)
"Competition of continents"
Which boat is more of Leichhardt's fighting spirit, who has the greater endurance to win?
Lecture: „Should you know Ludwig Leichhardt?" (01. Aug 2013)
During his lecture, André Parade (Member of the "Leichhardt - association Trebatsch e.V.") will point out the importance of Leichhardt in the presence.
Beginning 7:00 pm, in the museum in Trebatsch
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(Bild 2/2)Boat parade on the Schwielochsee (03. Aug 2013)
This year the boat parade will be lead by the Kaffen-punt.
The boat parade is for locals and tourists the peak of the season. Over 400 festive decorated boats submerge the Schwielochsee into a beautiful sea of color.
Great Leichhardt-village festival in Trebatsch (16. Aug 2013)
In 2013, of course, the great festival is named after the Australian explorer Ludwig Leichhardt. It will be interesting, with which Australian treasures Trebatsch comes up this year.
16.-18. August 2013
Dahlia baptism for the 200. birthday of Leichhardt 2013 (17. Aug 2013)
The formal presentation and baptism of the Leichhardt Dahlia in front of the castle of Branitz
Further informationen comming soon.
Yacht race "Leichhardt-Cup" (24. Aug 2013)
The Schwielochsee has a navigable water connection to Australia and is ideal for sailing.
Approximately 330 sailing athlete
Approximately 260 boats in 10 boot classes
Participants come from over 10 states (Bundesländer), while the furthest participant comes from New Zealand.
Organiser: Sailing club Schwielochsee e. V.
24.-25. August 2013
Presentation of the book from Sigrid Noack (28. Aug 2013)
„The great silence – Art and literary comments on Ludwig Leichhardt“
Beginning 6:00 pm, L.-Leichhardt-Hous (IBZ), Sielower Str. 11, 03044 Cottbus
Lecture: "Experience Kaffen-punt" (25. Sep 2013)
Beginning 6:00 pm
with Horst Lindner, in the L.-Leichhardt-House (IBZ), Sielower Str. 11. 03044 Cottbus
International education conference (22. Sep 2013)
The Leichhardt week is a project week of the high school (Oberschule). As part of the project week 2013 an international education conference is held. Theme is biodiversity.
22. - 28. September 2013
Lecture: "The last 13,000 years of the peat stab from Hyronimus Leichhardt" (26. Sep 2013)
Beginning 7:00 pm, with Werner Pfeil, in the museum in Trebatsch
Conference University Potsdam (27. Sep 2013)
Cottbus, estate castle of Branitz
At the conference of the university Potsdam the work of Ludwig Leichhardt in Australia will be discussed in scientific terms.
27. - 28. September 2013
Night of the creative minds (12. Okt 2013)
Photo exhibition "Ludwig Leichhardt’s landscapes" (15. Okt 2013)
Beginning: 6:00 pm town hall Cottbus, Neumarkt 5
Opening of the photo exhibition of the natural science association of the Niederlausitz "Ludwig Leichhardt's landscapes" (duration till 26.11.2013)
33. Leichhardt – memorial run (19. Okt 2013)
On the 33rd Leichhardt memorial run Ludwig Leichhardt’s daily march from Trebatsch to Cottbus will be honoured. You can walk, run, or cycle. Afterwards there is a small village festival followed by a traditional torchlight procession.
200. birthday of Ludwig Leichhardt (23. Okt 2013)
Am 22.10. wird der Geburtstag Leichhardts mit Lifeschaltung nach Australien im Weltspiegel eingeleitet. 23.10. Leichhardt Konferenz in Goyatz mit Aufführungen von Ausschnitten der Oper Voss durch das Staatstheater Cottbus, die Festrede hält Herr Dr. Peter Danckert. Gründung der Leichhardt - Akademie
On 22nd October the birthday of Leichhardt will start with a live connection to Australia in the Weltspiegel. 23rd October Leichhardt conference in Goyatz with performances of excerpts from the opera Voss by the state theatre (Staatstheater) Cottbus, the keynote speech will be held by Dr. Peter Danckert. Establishing of the Leichhardt - Academy
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Lecture: "Unsolved mystery of Ludwig Leichhardt and common tasks fort he future" (27. Nov 2013)
Beginning 6:00 pm
with Werner Pfeil, in the L-Leichhardt-House (IBZ), Sielower Straße 11, 03044 Cottbus
Subject to change